A StringTokenizer object is instantiated with the event data and the delimiter";". StringTokenizer对象是使用事件数据和分隔符“;”实例化的。
Therefore, the library server inserts a row of event data into the event queue table. 因此,库服务器会插入一个事件数据到事件队列表中。
By default the CBI distributes events to JMS destinations and to an event data store. 默认情况下,CBI将事件分发到JMS目标和一个事件数据存储。
Common base events: These are stored in the common base event data store ( EVENT). 公共事件:这些数据存储在公共事件数据库(EVENT)中。
You built an object which can collect event data, constructed the event in the connector packet form and send it to Business Events using the REST interface. 我们建立了一个可以收集事件数据的对象,构建了connectorpacket格式的事件,并使用REST接口将其发送到BusinessEvents。
This code obtains the PID string and ITEMTYPE name from the event data. 这些代码能从事件数据获取PID字符串和ITEMTYPE名称。
An event handler reads JMS messages, which carry the event data, from the JMS event queue. 事件处理器会从JMS队列读取包含事件数据的JMS消息。
The event data returned from the read() has a lot of useful information. read()中返回的数据有很多有用的信息。
When the maximum is reached, a new file is created to store incoming event data. 在达到最大数量时,即创建一个新文件来存储传入的事件数据。
Parsing the event data in an event message 解析一个事件消息中的事件数据
Table 6 gives some examples of resource requests, the handler information, and the event data passed in. 表6给出了资源请求的一些示例、处理程序信息,以及传入的事件数据。
DataElements is a vector holding event data in name/ value pairs. DataElements是一个在名/值对中包含事件数据的向量。
When new event data is collected, it is compared to the most recent unread event data. 在收集到新的事件数据时,与最近的未读事件数据进行比较。
An event data represents a unique combination of type, situation, and condition. 事件数据表示唯一的类型、情况和条件的组合。
Furthermore, the data silo contains the Failed Event data. 此外,该数据竖井还包含失败事件数据。
Event data is kept in a circular buffer per consumer, per event monitored. 对于每个消费者和监视的每个事件,事件数据保存在一个循环的缓冲区中。
The second read returns the event data for the next, whole event occurrence. 第二个read返回下一个事件发生的全部事件数据。
In this way, no loss of event data can be assured. 通过这样的方式即可保证不丢失任何事件数据。
You can configure the Event Service to write all Event data to a Datastore and or to distribute the events to other JMS Destinations. 您可以将事件服务配置为将所有事件数据写入数据存储和/或将事件分发到其他JMS目的地。
The user can also modify event data, using the corresponding Edit link in the list view. 用户还可以使用列表视图中的对应Edit链接修改事件数据。
When integrated with sensor events that have been enriched, conditioned, filtered, and correlated, you represent meaningful business event data. 当与已经丰富了的、调节了的、过滤了的并相关了的传感器事件集成时,您就可以呈现有意义的业务事件数据了。
The event data includes attribute values such as LoanNumber, LoanAmount, and Notification. 这个事件数据包括了诸如贷款号、贷款数额和通知等属性。
These describe the event data you will later submit to the application. 这些字段描述了您以后提交到应用程序的事件数据。
Event rule actions typically select event data from a view named after the event class. 事件规则操作通常从以事件类命名的视图中选择事件数据。
Define the event providers that collect and submit event data to the application. 定义用于收集事件数据并将其提交给应用程序的事件提供程序。
Trace log properties are not consistent with System Monitor. The trace log event data will not be displayed. 跟踪日志属性与系统监视器不一致。跟踪日志事件数据将不被显示。
Event data can be read out in the menu item "events" after airbag triggering. 触发气囊后,可以在菜单项“events”(事件)中可以读取事件数据。
An error occured while attempting to query for the event data referenced by a fired event. 在试图查询被一个取消的事件引用的事件数据时,出现了一个错误。
In this paper, we propose a class of additive-multiplicative rates models for multiple type recurrent event data. 本文基于多类型复发事件数据,研究了半参数加性乘积比率回归模型的统计问题。
Verify that you are not submitting the same event data multiple times. 验证您未多次提交同一事件数据。